lolitamarie's Journal


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19 entries this month


11:39 Oct 28 2007
Times Read: 606

This is to inform you guys that we have a special sire on this site. Craig1459 is making a coven page dedicated to those who have served their nation in the military and paid the ultimate price. I doubt if they have to be American soldiers only. Of course, they are included. Please message Craig with anyone you want honored with this and he will add them. He did this for me. I wanted to honor the memory of my uncle who died in Vietnam in 1968. His name is now listed.

Thank you Craig for remembering those who have fought and are no longer with us.




I Think Everyone Knows The Royal Family Has Sex

02:41 Oct 28 2007
Times Read: 612

LONDON, England (AP) -- Police have arrested two men over an attempt to blackmail a member of the British royal family with an alleged sex tape, a newspaper reported.

The Sunday Times said the pair had approached the unnamed family member and demanded 50,000 pounds ($100,000) not to publicize a video allegedly showing the royal engaged in a sex act.

The blackmailers also claimed to have evidence suggesting the royal had supplied an aide with an envelope containing cocaine, the newspaper said.

The newspaper said it could not identify the royal family member for legal reasons.

It said the blackmailers' target contacted police and two suspects were arrested at a London hotel on September 11 after an undercover police operation.

Buckingham Palace could not immediately be reached for comment.

In response to questions about the report, the Metropolitan Police said only that two men, aged 30 and 40, had appeared at a London court on September 13 charged with blackmail.

They were ordered detained until a hearing at London's Central Criminal Court on December 20.

The force would give no details of the case or identify the suspects.


Probably the closest thing us Americans have every had to a royal family is the Kennedy family. You know Camelot and all. That family has been raked over the coals. Most people do not pay attention to all the juicy little details written about the Kennedys anymore.

I have no idea if the pair of blackmailers have a tape showing a member of the royal family having sex or not. Why in the hell would anyone with good sense try to blackmail any famous person? Chances are you are going to be charged with extortion and the charges are going to stick. Of course, they did not stop at sex. Drugs had to be mentioned. I am just wanting for the rock n roll part. Then, we will have the whole trio- Sex, drugs and rock n roll.




A Few Days Off The Rave

12:32 Oct 27 2007
Times Read: 615

I will have a few days starting sometimes next week, when I will not be able to be on the Rave. My Internet will be off. Since I started my new job, I have not got the hang of a new bill paying system with my paydays. So, I am paying the cable company late. They are the ones I have my Internet through. The only things they will cut off is my phone ( I could care less. I have a cell. ) and my Internet ( which will be missed, but is not life and death for a few days. ) The cable TV, which I rarely watch these days, will remain on. For those who do read my journal, I will attempt to write entries up to the time they disconnect me.




This Has to be HeartBreaking And Soul Wrenching

11:57 Oct 25 2007
Times Read: 617

HENDERSON, Nevada (AP) -- Michael Tylo Jr., son of soap opera star Hunter Tylo, has died in a swimming pool accident. He was 19.

He was pronounced dead just before midnight Thursday at a home in the Las Vegas suburb of Henderson, authorities said. The cause of death was listed as accidental drowning, according to the Clark County coroner's office.

Hunter Tylo stars on CBS' "The Bold and the Beautiful." The 45-year-old actress was in Los Angeles at the time of the incident, show representative Eva Demirjian said. Demirjian declined further comment.

Michael Tylo Jr. was dead when police arrived following a call from an unidentified person, Henderson police spokesman Todd Rasmussen said.

Hunter Tylo's ex-husband Michael Tylo is an assistant professor of film at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

The actress has three other children, Chris, Izabella Gabrielle and Katya Ariel.


A good friend of mine had her daughter murdered this year around Mother's Day. Two days before Mother's Day, they found the body of her oldest child in a shallow grave. She had been placed there by her boyfriend. I thought that is a horrible thing to find out at anytime about your twenty-five year old child.

I did not know this actress personally and can honestly say I doubt highly I will ever met her. I remember watching her play Taylor Hayes on Bold and the Beautiful for years. I remember when she had her youngest daughter. I cannot imagine what she and her ex- husband are going through. The holidays are just around the corner. Her son was only seven years old the year my child was born. I cannot imagine how anyone broke the news to this lady.

Celebrities are sometimes considred fair game by the news media . I have heard normal everyday people say some God awful things about them that they would never say about someone they know. I quess they find it easy to believe that these people do not go through the same things that normal everyday people go through. Perhaps, the word normal is a poor choice of words. What is normal? I am sure if we asked one thousand people, we could expect one thousand different answers on some things.

If you read this journal today, please stop and take a moment to pray for this woman. Light a candle or do whatever ritual you normally do for this woman and her family. Remember to thank God, the Goddess or whoever you believe in that it was not your child that drowned in that swimming pool.




Today's Outing

20:59 Oct 24 2007
Times Read: 625

I am going to start this journal entry off with some background information on my married life. I was married for six years to a man that needed help as a child, but did not get it. His father was an abusive individual who made sure his wife was too frightened to do anything about his abuse. She use to think she would leave him in Marlin, Texas, and stay at her brother's house in San Antonio. Her son that I later married wanted her to and begged her not to take him back around his father. The only thing is the father knew where they were in San Antoinio and once pulled a gun on his own mother. He would have murdered anyone in the house that opposed him. People in Marlin knew how this man was and no-one did anything to help my ex husband and his mother.

My ex tried without any outside help and much success to be a better husband and father. I suffered abuse at his hands and so did my son. My son is intelligent and deep down he is a good person. No-one has labeled him a bad child or seed, expect those who have little understanding of the horror he has been through. To them , I have nothing to say. Karma or God (take your pick) will get them in the end. I have nothing to do, but live my life and try to help my son.

I had to get him help. He was well on his way to being the next one in his parental line to be abusive or in some kind of trouble. I sent him somewhere for that help. I got counseling and got my life on some kind of stable ground. That has been a fight and the stable parts of my life have been a gift and are protected as much as I can. Since I believe in a God, I ask him constantly to protect that and to protect me from those who want to see me have problems. Some think I need humbling, but God knows that is not the case. I have to ask for protection against them too. They want to take matters in their own hands and that can cause trouble. Not only for me, but for my child.

Today's outing was a visit with my son. He is still getting his help. I am ready according to everyone for him to come home. Yes, they know all about my life. I have friends that think they do not, but they do not know about all the times I have spoken with my son's caseworker. The lady is not stupid and knows when she is being feed a line of crap. That is not something I would do. I think it would be unwise on my part.

My son on the other hand has issues that are still being worked on. I am not one for thinking it takes twenty years to work on somethings, but I know he will always have to be mindful of how he reacts to certain people . Anyone who angers me or others easily cannot be around him. If they do not respect me in front of him, they will not see him. It is that plain and simple. If he even gets a hint that they have fun poking fun at me all the time or making me their whipping post, he will react badly. Since he will not be a small man in height and is quite strong. I do not want him getting physical with people who will be in the forties or fifties when he is a grown man.

The visit went well. He brought the eight grade math workbook I bought him. He is in the seventh grade. He had started on some of it and we did a few problems together. My son, Malcolm, has an interest in Art and is in a school competition about art history. He seemed very interested in the artist , Raphael. He loves history.

I went ahead and got him his Halloween candy and put it in a plastic pumpkin I bought him. He requested his own toothpaste ( He does not like to share some things), so I brought him a tube of Crest. I got him some lotion. One bottle for home and another for his locker at school, since I noticed his legs get pretty dry. I also got him a pair of Wrangler Cargo pants and a black Mock Fleece pull over. The Wranglers are made out of blue jean material. Oh, and I got him a bottle of body wash.

I enjoyed the visit and wish his problems were not such that he could come home soon. He is missed every moment of the day. I had to get him help. I did not want him to hurt others like those before him and in the long run hurt himself. That is not why I had him.

I just want anyone reading this to keep my son in their thoughts and prayers. I wanting to see him become the person he can become. He is in the seventh grade and reads on a twelve grade level. He has always tested high in math.

Also, I do not hate all men for what his father did. I have come to the conclusion that with the upbringing he had, my ex husband would have been an abusive female had he been born a female. I have no desire to do to any man what has been done to me. I am still single for a reason. Belfore I get with anyone, I am going to make sure I can treat the man with decency and respect.

I have two friends on the rave that are unaware of how many men I have turned down not on the Internet, but in real life. I will not get with anyone until I am sure I can be the type of partner they deserve. I am also making sure I do not stay in the pattern of getting with another abusive man. I watch for the signs. Yes, there are signs. You just have to look and not be blinded by some fairytale notion of romantic love. Romance is beautiful and fine, but being all gooey eyed over someone should not blind you to red flags going up about that person and their behavior.

Malcolm is having problems with time management and is not getting a full fledge bath in everyday. He will attempt to wash certain areas, but that is not how I taught him. I told him that since he has to be in bed by eight am, he can start his bath at 7:25 pm and be ready for bed on time. He has to get use to structure. That is how the world operates. He wants a job when he is a senior in high school. Well, he better get the hang of time management before then. I am now looking for a book to help him in this area.




Change of Plans

02:09 Oct 24 2007
Times Read: 631

Well, yesterday afternoon I found out I had to work today. The boss has had the flu and I cannot blame him for staying home. I am glad he did not come in to give it to anyone else. Plus, he has been burning the candle at both ends for quite sometime. He needed a few days away from the store.

I am off tomorrow. Thank God and the whole known universe. I need some rest and time away from the job. I was beginning to think I lived there.




Been Busy At Work

04:41 Oct 22 2007
Times Read: 636

Work has had me busy. I am not off until Tuesday. I have some catching up to do- on my sleep, my reading, the rave ( especially my journal. I have news stories bookmarked that I will write about on Tuesday. ). I also plan on catching up on some journal reading if I can.

I have been going to bed pretty earlier. I have to avoid going to bed at 9 pm though. I did that last night and found myself up at 4 am wide awake.





10:33 Oct 17 2007
Times Read: 647

This whelp just got themselves blocked this morning. Normally, when I rate I will bite a whelp in an attempt to say hello and welcome to the rave. Most of them are okay with it and will leave it at that. Sometimes, there is the rare time I will strike up a conversation with a whelp who is interesting or at least mildly entertaining.

This whelp decided to ask me why I contacted him if I did not even know them. What are you doing on the net if you do not want to be bothered by people you do not know? I actually know some rave members in real life- Mikhail, Nthaniel, leo8280, Cadamia ( and her two daughters.) . I do not need to bother someone on here for company. The ones I normally message are intelligent, contribute something to the rave and could contribute something worthwhile to any conversation.

There is currently nothing on this whelp's profile that is interesting or eye-catching. Nothing that would make one think WOW, I just have to get to know this person. I told them in the message where they were informed they were blocked, that they must be very vain or conceited.

Perhaps, this individual will buy a premium membership and block all biting. At least he or she will contribute something worthwhile to the rave. If you do not like biting and are not a premium member, there is a way to tell someone without coming off like a complete ass. I will concede that some people may find biting a little too much or offensive. They usually tell someone once, before going off on them.





04:15 Oct 16 2007
Times Read: 657

This is the name of the self-proclaimed racist I mentioned in my last entry. Wonder if he would be so bold in front of the Nation of Islam with his racist pride. Wonder how fast he would change his tune if we dropped him in the middle of South Central L. A.




At least he admits it

04:13 Oct 16 2007
Times Read: 659

Im a 6`7 redneck from the backwoods of VA. i do what i want to and i love to drink, party, and go four wheelin. im thankful for the best think in my life,Kristen. if u want to know somethin bout me, ask.

This is from a profile I did not read well the first time I rated him. You can bet I went back and give him the one he so richly deserves. If you are racist, that is your business. I cannot stop someone from being an idiot. I just do not have to support his ignorance. He is going by the name redneck something or another. I hope he gets bored with the rave so very soon.




Well the Reports are Done

05:06 Oct 15 2007
Times Read: 670

Apparently both the owner of the store where I work and I should get more rest. We both had the lottery numbers wrong. I followed the leader and messed up two. At least I did not dance to the beat of my own drum and really screw it up. Boy, at this rate I feel I need remedial math and remedial help in resting and relaxing.

I am not in trouble. The owner stated that he and Jaime will work out the problem with the reports. Since I am not John Nash, the man who won the Nobel Prize for his work in math, that is for the best. If I am tired, I will say that two plus zero is 20 on a report. I know better but my tired eyes see two and zero. I add them together in the wrong way.

Tomorrow I will given strict orders not to worry about the store or do anything. Nthaniel who has a profile on the rave will tell you I am a workaholic. So is his sister, Mary Helen. I hate it that we have so much in common. Maybe that is why we have clashed in the past.




A Wanna Be Jew, A Muslim and a Catholic Work at A Store

02:33 Oct 15 2007
Times Read: 673

Sounds like the start of a bad joke, doesn't it? The last week has left some at my store sleep deprived and you can bet the shift reports are coming up messed up. I put my reports in Jaime's hands and he is getting them worked out. They were a mess. The owner forgot to write down the lottery ticket numbers one day and I seem to make errors all the time with the lottery calculations. I will have to make sure I write down the right value of each ticket. If a ticket is costing seven dollars and I sell four during a shift, that is twenty eight dollars in lottery sales. However, if being tired and in a rush causes me to write down the ticket is worth ten dollars, the numbers will not add up. I owe Jaime alot and so does the owner. Only three of us work in the store.

I am off tomorrow. Thank God. I am too tired to be for real. I will sleep as long as I want. My roommate has to go to work and her daughter will be in school. So, I will get some much needed rest. Not that they stop me from resting. I just will not be trying to talk to them or anything and will sleep.




Work Tonight....

07:40 Oct 14 2007
Times Read: 679

This was one busy Saturday night at the store. The store down the street had the law in their parking lot. Everyone that normally went to that store and the one across the street from it made their way to my store.

I never thought I would get done waiting on customers. I sold plenty of beer, cigarettes and lottery tickets. The store will be dead on Monday and Tuesday. Everyone is busy spending their money this weekend. They will be broke by the first of the week.

I am not actually the cat lady from Waco. There are some stray cats that congregate around the store, so the owner feeds them. I gave them some food and this one reddish brown cat keep trying to keep this other cat from eating. I was a little tiffed at the greedy cat , so I went and got some more food for the one he would not let eat.

I would have never made it through my shift if Valerie had not came over to stock for me. She seemed concerned about me being there with all those customers by myself. She told one customer not to let anyone do anything to me and not to do anything to me as well. I thought that was nice. She made sure the cooler was stocked, the soda barrels were stocked and the beer display was stocked and had ice. I would have never been able to keep that up without her. I had too many customers. I did fifteen drops into the safe tonight. There are only fifteen spaces on the report for drops. I would have had to make my own space if I had kept going.




Stolen From Craig1459

16:00 Oct 13 2007
Times Read: 682

This is a message that Craig1459 received and was posted in his journal. People if your boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, husband, lover, etc is going to flirt on the net it might behoove you to find out who the person is before you go off on the wrong person and look like a frigging moron. Going off on the right person still makes you look dumb. They are just a person on the Net, unless your significant other has made plans to meet them, has meet them or is thinking of doing so. What can you do if someone decides to cheat and other person wants to help them? If the other party does not respect themselves enough to tell your partner to tie up all their loose ends , before they mess around with them there is nothing you can do about it. If they disrespect themselves like that, then they are going to disrespect you. It is that plain and simple. You have no idea what your partner has told the other person. They may be blowing more smoke up their behind than a little bit. You may be having yourself protrayed as the villian in the relationship, when in all actuality you are the one trying to hold everything together. Of course, some in relationships do flirt online and do not find any of it to be serious. IF that is the case with your partner and you know what bed they are in every night, then you are coming across as a jealous oaf. If they want someone else and you want a relationship with just you two, maybe that is the wrong person for you. Or you may have to agree to an open relationship if the other person means that much to you and refuses to refrain from other activity.

Anyway, I am off the soapbox. Here is what I stole from Craig1459. The guy came across as an idiot.

On 19:11:03 Oct 10 2007 craig1459 wrote:

no I dont chase girls on here - what is her username?

On 19:09:49 Oct 10 2007 fuckwad wrote:

that all you have to say

i read what you wrote i smack the shit out her for lying if she does it again type me up add me i add it you

On 19:06:18 Oct 10 2007 craig1459 wrote:

no it's not

On 19:05:08 Oct 10 2007 fuckwad wrote:





On 19:01:45 Oct 10 2007 craig1459 wrote:

nope not me - sorry

On 18:59:08 Oct 10 2007 fuckwad wrote:

yo are you sending to my girlfriend ithink you told her to call you sexy harry potter




Learned Something New Tonight

06:09 Oct 13 2007
Times Read: 687

The previous entry in this section is about a profile I have many issues with. I agree with Vamplez's assessment of the profile. It is probably one of his students. Apparently, students also do this on MySpace to teachers they are angry at.

I must be old. I graduated high school in 1989. The most we would do is roll a teacher's yard on Halloween. Sometimes we would get a teacher we liked. Other times it may be one who annoyed us. We did not feel like we had to make the teacher who annoyed us look like a perverted sex offender or wannabe sex offender on a website. We would have never given their address out in a public forum or made someone believe they jacked off in a school. We would have know better. At least the majority would have.




Is this some sick joke or what?

05:44 Oct 13 2007
Times Read: 689

I just found the following profile on the rave. The guy is apparently one sick teacher or a pissed off student of his had this to say:

I am a teacher at Hillcrest Jr. High school. I am hated by most but Ms. Trotter is my best friend teacher. She is such an amazing lady. Wow. That is all I have to say about her.

I live in Murray Utah. My address is 4450 S. Wasatch street. Zipcode 84107. Visit me sometime. I love visitors.

That is all for now. And just to let you all know...I look like a rat and Trotter is NOT crazy.

This was copied from his profile. His quote is I like to jack off at school. I have an assistant coven master from my coven looking at this profile right now to gauge what the hell is going on here. I am thinking about reporting this to Cancer . He is online. If someone thinks this is some joke, he needs to be taken out and horsewhipped.

The profile name is TimothyManning.




All IS Well In Lolaland

12:15 Oct 12 2007
Times Read: 692

It is nice to have a boss that appreciates the extra effort you make. This particular boss is Muslim. Of course, the last month has been Ramadan. For the few of you who do not know, Ramadan is a month long Muslim holiday that celebrates when the Quran was revealed to the prophet Muhammad. It is tradition to fast from sunup to sundown. There are many mosque meetings because the whole Quran is recited during the month.

Well, my boss really wanted to be there for just about every mosque meeting. I have only worked there a week, but I knew this was important and wanted to do my part to help. So, I have been pretty flexible about when I could work. He really appreciated that. That was the part that made all the work worth it. The paycheck doesn't hurt, but it is extra when your employer does not take you for granted.

My son has a good report card. He made A's, a B in Math and what was not so good a C in Science. If that was the best he could do, I would let it go. He hurried up and told me he let that happen by getting two zeroes for not doing his vocabulary words. He seemed excited about his current school project. His group had to make an amusement park. They choose a SpongeBob SquarePants theme.

I hope everyone has had a good week so far. Enjoy your weekend.




New Job

06:01 Oct 06 2007
Times Read: 709

My new job has me busy. I started on Wednesday and do not have a day off until Thursday. I do not mind though. I love this particular job.

Tonight being Friday night, I sold more beer than I ever cared to see in one night. Most of my customers live in the neighborhood of the store and came back for beer at least three times. They were drinking like fish. The lottery seems pretty popular on Fridays. Many people get paid on Fridays. Guess they all want to buy scratch off tickets and play numbers as soon as they get paid.

I like it busy though. It makes time fly by.




Change in Jobs Yet Again

23:03 Oct 02 2007
Times Read: 721

Hopefully, this will be the last change I make in jobs for a bit. I will now starting tomorrow be working at the store across the street from my house. First, I like the location. Not a lot of hassle getting to and from work, plus I will be working days not nights. I like that.

Allergan is great if you do not have another job. The hours are long and I do not see myself being any thing other than a temp there, since I have no ambition to be permanent. I think this change will be good for me. I will be getting a straight salary, so I will know for sure what I am making. I do not have to worry about machines going down and not working. Plus, there will be no shutdowns every December and July where I cannot work and therefore do not get paid.

I like working in stores and always enjoyed it. So, this should be a good change.



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